Current condition
Demolished / No longer exists
Date completed
Date closed / demolished
Demolition date given by Rabbit, see:
Corrections or extra information welcome.
Previous place(s) at this location
Pioneer Building (2nd generation) start date
Hi David,
Rabbit informed that the KMB Mongkok Deport (also known as Pioneer Building as identified by you) was demolished in 1973. Assuming a construction period of 18 months or so , the start date of the 2nd generation appears to be in 1975. Additional information from others may help narrow down the exact date.
regards, Edmond
Pioneer Building (2nd generation) start date
Hi Edmond,
A search in Google Books suggests it was built even earlier. I found an address from 1972:
So the higher, 2nd-generation building was definitely finished by then.
Then the 1969 publication, Statistical Tables Relating to Economic and Other Subjects, lists several addresses that look to be high floors:
So I've pushed the completion date back to 1969.
Regards, David
Pioneer Building (2nd generation) start date
Good find ! I always admire your perseverance to look for facts for gwulo readers. Thank you.
regards, Edmond
The building would be the one
The building would be the one at the right corner of the photo (i.e. the grey building), the white building looks newer than the older one.
You may go to a map-selling center of Lands Department and search for an aerial photo around there between 1968 to 1973, the older Pioneer Building with a dome still existed in 1972, but it's unsure if it had been vacanted for demolition at that time.