I was in the St.John's Cathedral Cub Pack, which depsite the name, met in Victoria Barracks (I think we met on Monday evenings?). This was in the early 1960's.
I cannot remember the name of the building we used, but I do recall the seeing the swimming pool when we were there. I am sure we looked at the pool from above? It was usually deserted, but I remember one evening whatching in utter fascination as men moved about the bottom of the pool wearing scuba equipment! Obviously some sort of training session for the army.
The whole place (barrracks) was rather deserted by the time we used to meet for Cubs, and we had a ball running around between the lovely old colonial buildings! Fond memories indeed!
"The Colony's Swimming Championships were held at the new Army swimming pool at Victoria Barracks."
I guess it is the same swimming pool but it is interesting to note that it was built prior to the Japanese occupation.
Update - Mention is also made in the Hong Kong Telegraph dated 21 September 1940 of the new diving tower at Victoria Barracks. It appears both the swimming pool and its diving tower were built in 1940. A photo of the swimming pool appears in the Hong Kong and Far East builder, vol.6 no.4 (August & September, 1941) at: https://digitalrepository.lib.hku.hk/catalog/hh63zr99m#?c=&m=&s=&cv=22&xywh=-411%2C674%2C2972%2C1162
Caine House
The tall building is Caine House (commenced development in 1952), Hong Kong Police Heaquarters at Arsenal Yard.
Victoria Barracks Swimming Pool
I was in the St.John's Cathedral Cub Pack, which depsite the name, met in Victoria Barracks (I think we met on Monday evenings?). This was in the early 1960's.
I cannot remember the name of the building we used, but I do recall the seeing the swimming pool when we were there. I am sure we looked at the pool from above? It was usually deserted, but I remember one evening whatching in utter fascination as men moved about the bottom of the pool wearing scuba equipment! Obviously some sort of training session for the army.
The whole place (barrracks) was rather deserted by the time we used to meet for Cubs, and we had a ball running around between the lovely old colonial buildings! Fond memories indeed!
Victoria Barracks Pool
Thank you moddsey that date ties in very neatly with when my photo was taken. I wonder when the swimming pool was installed.
Victoria Barracks - Army Swimming Pool
China Mail 20 June 1940
"The Colony's Swimming Championships were held at the new Army swimming pool at Victoria Barracks."
I guess it is the same swimming pool but it is interesting to note that it was built prior to the Japanese occupation.
Update - Mention is also made in the Hong Kong Telegraph dated 21 September 1940 of the new diving tower at Victoria Barracks. It appears both the swimming pool and its diving tower were built in 1940. A photo of the swimming pool appears in the Hong Kong and Far East builder, vol.6 no.4 (August & September, 1941) at: https://digitalrepository.lib.hku.hk/catalog/hh63zr99m#?c=&m=&s=&cv=22&xywh=-411%2C674%2C2972%2C1162
The 1940 completion date should be correct.