Former Central Police Station (CPS) compound [????- ]

Submitted by David on Tue, 01/29/2013 - 11:16
Current condition
In use

Here's the EPD's report (thanks to 80sKid for the link):

And here's the website about the current re-development project:

Photos that show this Place



Some weeks ago I met by chance one of the HKJC architects on the Victoria Prison/Central Police Station Redevelopment. He mentioned that they were preparing a publication on the history of the place.


Received by email:

There is a book called “ The Hong Kong Collection”published 1997 by FormAsia Books Limited, authors Nigel Cameron and Dr Patrick Hase. On page 53 there is a photo of a plaque that used to hang in the Regional Commander’s Office at CPS.  The plaque was wooden and had the crest of Anson on it and with the following words:-

“ This Office was taken over as Kennedy Force HQ from the Japanese by a Landing Force from HMS ANSON 1st September 1945”

 This may be of interest to you. The caption in the book says that surrender took place 15 days before the formal surrender. I imagine the plaque would be in the Police Museum ?

The Bomb disposal people at PHQ might be able to help with the story of the big US air force bomb that was dug up at the back of the cells sometime in the early to mid 80s.The Japs must have just buried it and carried on work!!!