fascinating interview with one of robert kotewall's daughters about school life in the 30s at dgs - kowloon. my mother was friendly with her younger sister (patsy fenton) and i remember being taken for high tea on waterloo road under strictest instructions to BEHAVE .. or else! boy did they 'yack'!!
Looking east at the Chi Wo st side of Diocesan Girls School in the 1960s
1 along Saigon st
1960s looking east along Saigon st at chi wo st , by simtang
note that on the left there was a furniture shop probably called 英利傢私 ying lee furniture. 1960 年香港年鑑 indicates there was a furniture shop by that name at 18 Saigon st.
2 along Cheong Lok st
1960s looking east along cheong st at chi wo st , by simtang
3 along Nanking st
1960s looking east along Nanking st at chi wo st, by simtang
DGS in the 1930s
An anonymous reader notes:
fascinating interview with one of robert kotewall's daughters about school life in the 30s at dgs - kowloon. my mother was friendly with her younger sister (patsy fenton) and i remember being taken for high tea on waterloo road under strictest instructions to BEHAVE .. or else! boy did they 'yack'!!
Hi there,
The whole campus is being rebuilt now and they are targetting for the new school year of 2011.
Might have to check their website for more info, but I believe the old buildings had been demolished sometime between 2009 and 2010.
Best Regards,
3 generations- family's recollection of school days at dgs
I've added a completion date
I've added a completion date of 1913, taken from the school's history page:
In 1913 the School finally moved to its present site in Kowloon. Read more...
The school's previous site was Rose Villa, over on Hong Kong island.
1960s views
Looking east at the Chi Wo st side of Diocesan Girls School in the 1960s
1 along Saigon st
note that on the left there was a furniture shop probably called 英利傢私 ying lee furniture. 1960 年香港年鑑 indicates there was a furniture shop by that name at 18 Saigon st.
2 along Cheong Lok st
3 along Nanking st