Leighton Hill Government Quarters (Blocks C & D) [1955-1999]

Submitted by David on Fri, 07/15/2011 - 23:56
Current condition
Demolished / No longer exists
Date completed
Date closed / demolished

These were built at the south end of Leighton Hill.

A resident remembers they were known as the 'New Blocks'.

Blocks A & B were built a few years earlier.

Photos that show this Place


We'd originally used 1956, based on these Legco notes Moddsey found:

From Legco archives dated 21 November 1956, "New blocks at Chater Hall and Leighton Hill have recently been completed."

But today Dan Waters wrote:

I moved into Leighton Hill, new block, as soon as it was built in September 1955. I moved out at the end of 1956

So I've set the completion date to Sept 1955.

Regards, David