East Point - Jardine Matheson - ML52 [????- ]

Submitted by annelisec on
Current condition

This set of photos is from the Public Records Office (search "East Point") to see where they were taken, here is a drawing of the entire area on Flickr.

To get your bearings, the waterfront is now Hennessy Road.


Photo #0  (zero)

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    Map MM-0205


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4   Photograph 01-08-210

The Protestant Cemetery at Happy Valley. Morrison Hill in the left background. Leighton Hill and East Point Hill in the right background, c. 1868.快活谷的基督教墳場。左後方是摩理臣山,右後方自左起是東角山及禮頓山,約攝於1868年。 ,  1868

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5   Photograph 01-08-211

East Point, with Bowrington Canal in the foreground and Leighton Hill on the right, c. 1868.東角。前方為鵝頸河,右方為禮頓山,約攝於1868年。 ,  1868

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6   Photograph 01-08-212

Jardine, Matheson & Company's godowns and offices at East Point (at the present Causeway Bay), c. 1868.位於東角(位於現今的銅鑼灣)的渣甸洋行貨倉及辦公室,約攝於1868年。 ,  1868

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7   Photograph 01-08-213

Junks and sampans beached at East Point (at the present Causeway Bay), c. 1868.停泊於東角(位於現今的銅鑼灣)岸邊的帆船和舢舨,約攝於1868年。 ,  1868

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8   Photograph 01-08-214

Jardine's Garden and House at East Point (at the present Causeway Bay), c. 1868.位於東角(位於現今的銅鑼灣)的渣甸花園,約攝於1868年。 ,  1868

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9   Photograph 01-08-215

Gateway to Jardine's House at East Point (at the present Causeway Bay), c. 1868.渣甸洋行位於東角(位於現今的銅鑼灣)的大班府邸大門外貌,約攝於1868年。 ,  1868

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10   Photograph 01-08-216

Chinese village near East Point (at the present Causeway Bay), c. 1868.東角(位於現今的銅鑼灣)附近的華人村落,約攝於1868年。 ,  1868

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17   Photograph 01-24-728

East Point (at the present Causeway Bay).東角(位於現今的銅鑼灣)。

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Photos that show this Place



Great additions Annelise. FYI the Chinese village in photo 10 above is Wong Nai Chung village, present day Happy Valley. The current tram terminus now stands roughly in front of those houses, while the Wong Nai Chung Road must roughly track the stream shown. 

Hi there,

Back in the Mid-to-Late 1960's and before, part of that stream was not covered.  I believe it was shown in one of those older photos posted somewhere in the gallery here.  It want along the modernday Morrison Hill Road, then along Canal Road out to the sea.  Even before the flyovers were built, part of Canal Road was not covered as well.

My 2 cents.


A couple don't look quite right to me.

#10 - 80skid, the hills don't look right to me for the tram terminus. There's still a chunk of flattish land behind the terminus, but in this photo the hills rise up quite quickly. And if the 1868 date is right, wouldn't we see the racecourse on the right? I don't have any better suggestions though - what do you see in the photo that points to the tram terminus area?

#17 - I think we're further west. Didn't East Point have piers and a sea wall, rather than a beach? Looking at the boats in the foreground, could it be the old V.R.C.? Then Navy land behind that, and Morrison Hill in the distance under the PRO logo?

The captions are from the PRO, but they got them from the albums the photos came in. 

As to the village, there were several that can be seen on the 1880 map - including one at the base of East Point Hill and the original Tai Hang Village, that can be candidates for the photo.

Hi David, I know it doesn't look that much like Happy Valley, but I'd seen that photo before ;-)

I think they flattened the hills behind the village out in the 1920s, allowing for better development. The same photo is in the public library records and has the following description:

Wong Nai Chung Village, Happy Valley, Hong Kong Island, c.1870-75.
The charming neat village at the head of Happy Valley had been inhabited long before the British occupation of Hong Kong. This fine photograph shows well the symmetrical layout and the authentic traditional Chinese style of the buildings. The early beginning of racing, in 1846, and the establishment of the Race Course in front of the village, the subsequent building development of the Happy Valley, must have created problems for the little peaceful village. The final straw was the severe typhoon, in August 1923, which caused flooding and severe damage to the village. It was abandoned after that.

Here's a photo taken 1865 from presumably Morrison Hill showing the village ansd the race-course. Looks like the yellow muddy creek (Wong Nai Chung) is still there. I think the other photo of the village is probably earlier though than the date given.

I recently purchased this watercolour, which was described as being:

"Vision of Cathay": British Installation on Hong Kong Island c.1841. It was also described as being by George Chinnery, but I believe this is unlikely, and the correct term would be "Circle of George Chinnery". Jardine Matheson have confirmed that this is their compound at East Point, (the building on the right). The building on the left confuses me; I thought it might be Flagstaff House, (on Flagstaff Hill), but I think that is more to the West, (and if it's the original), it's now in Hong Kong Park, and the Hong Kong Museum of Teaware.

You are looking at #1 and #2 houses on East Point Hill from above toward the "north".  Refer to this map:


I think you mean what appears to be a building beyond on a hill, which looks to me like an illusion caused by the angle of the painter.

Here is the view looking "east"


David's comment on that supposed #17 East Point Photo. He's quite right. We're actually on top of the swimming enclosure near Palos Pier to seaward of Murray Barracks looking at the naval dockyard with its conspic truncated spire. The sheerlegs were on the end of the Pier to the top of which the Rifleman's Bolt level related via the tide gauge on its eastern, landward end. Beyond it is the Commisariat Pier.

Stephen D

Can someone please enlighten me about where these two photos were taken, and to which direction the photographer was facing?  I cannot seem to match them with possible current locations.  Thanks!

The legends in this left hand section of this 1851 lithograph for P&O read "East Point" and then "Jardine Matheson & Co., reading from left to right.

jardine matheson 1851, by jill

In the next section to the right there are two more buildings each labelled  "Mathesons". I titled that section "Happy Valley" which is also shown. David included the section in his summary for this week.

happy valley 1851, by jill