Guest-Fincher wedding

Reported on page 2 of the Hong Kong Telegraph, 2nd March 1927:



At St. Peter's Church, West Point, yesterday, afternoon, Mr. Albert Edward Guest, only son of the late Mr. G. W. P. Guest and Mrs. Guest of Singapore, was married to Miss Edith May Fincher, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Fincher.

The. Rev. H. Copley Moyle officiated, while Mr. G.W. R. Griggs was at the organ, the service being fully choral.

The bride, who was given away by her father, was attired in a gown of white charmeuse trimmed with silver embroidery and pearls, with train of georgette, embroidered with silver and pearls and edged with silver lace, over shell pink georgette. Her long veil was of tulle with coronet of pearls and orange blossoms, andesho carried a sheaf of chrysanthemums and rosebuds.

The bride was attended by Miss Edwina L. Rogers as bridesmaid, and Miss Iris Woolley as flower girl. The former wore a dress of mauve georgette with mauve tulle toque, trimmed with silver roses and streamers. Miss Woolley’s dress was of shell pink georgette with a bandeau of tulle. The bridesmaid carried a bouquet of sweet peas, while Miss Woolley carried a silver basket trimmed with tulle and rose buds.

The bride's mother wore a gown of fawn georgette with flowered border, and black picture hat. Her bouquet was of sweet peas.

Mr. Frank Brett, of the P.W.D., was best man.

After the ceremony at the church, a reception was held at No. 229, Nathan Road, after which the bride and bridegroom left for Repulse Bay for their honeymoon prior to leaving for England. The bride's going away dress was of two tone embroidered; French crepe de chine, with white fox fur and hat to match.

It is interesting to note that the bride was baptised and confirmed in St.  Peter’s Church, while the bride's mother was also confirmed and married in the same Church.

The bride’s present to the bridegroom was a gold wristlet watch and camera, and the bridegroom’s present to the bride was a diamond and platinum chain and pendant.

The bridegroom’s present to the bridesmaid was a gold slave bangle, and to the flower girl a gold locket and chain.

The staff of Messrs. Davie Boag and Co., Ltd., gave the bride a beautiful silver rose bowl and travelling clock, and the Directors of the firm a substantial cheque.

Date picture taken