1967 Chatham Road Camp and Hung Hom Reclamation

Sun, 10/15/2017 - 19:54

Source: This image came from Flickr, see https://flickr.com/photo.gne?id=23783054718

Date picture taken


On the left, there was a bank. The sign reads 香港友聯銀行.(Union Bank of Hong Kong)
According to 1967 年香港年鑑, the address of the bank was 33-35 chatham road. Its location is at the chatham rd-hart ave junction at the union building (友聯大廈).

At the lower right corners there were two basketball courts for children and one that looks that a tennis court.

Here two pictures of those playgrounds. Also one can see the railroad tracks and some warehouses.


chatham-hart playground.jpg
chatham-hart playground.jpg, by simtang


chatham-hart playground 2.jpg
chatham-hart playground 2.jpg, by simtang
