For more information about this photo, see:
This panorama is created by merging three photos from the Swire Collection, see, and https://www.hpcbristol.n…
Date picture taken
Identifiable buildings: 2nd
Identifiable buildings: 2nd from left is Taikoo Club, with bowling green in front and playing fields below
Next right may have been what oldtimers in the 50s referred to as "the old Taikoo Terrace", with a tennis court at the end which was still in use in the 50s (mainly by me and my friends)
It looks like the Kings Road cutting is under construction, and on the other side going up the hill is Stanley Terrace with The Bungalow way up above
Kornhill is on the distant ridge at left
This information may already be noted in the Collection, but may also be useful here.-- Geoff W.
Thanks Geoff, I've made an
Thanks Geoff, I've made an annotated copy and added your identification: