Welcome to Gwulo

Here you'll find over 50,000 pages about old Hong Kong to explore, including over 30,000 photos. The content is added by a friendly community of people who enjoy sharing what we know about Hong Kong's history, and you are very welcome to join us.

Kind regards, David

P.S. To receive more old Hong Kong photos and stories, please sign up for our free weekly newsletter.

Exhibition: Photos of old Hong Kong

Submitted by David on Tue, 12/31/2013 - 21:00

We're spoilt for choice at the moment, with four different exhibitions underway. (If you're reading this from outside Hong Kong, I've added some other ways to see these photos at the bottom of the page.)

This is the last message for 2013, so before we look at those exhibitions, let me wish you a very happy and healthy new year.

Regards, David

1. John Thomson's photos at the Maritime Museum

Photos from last night's talk

Submitted by David on Thu, 11/21/2013 - 09:00

Thank you to everyone who attended last night's talk, and to CAB for a well-organised event (and excellent food!).

Here are the photos I showed. If you'd like a closer look at any of them, just click the photo and you'll be taken to a version you can zoom in on.

If you enjoy photos and stories of old Hong Kong, please click this link to subscribe: http://gwulo.com/subscribe. We'll send you a new photo and story roughly once a week.

Regards, David

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