Diary pages from this date

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High Jap. Officials visited camp

Fresh fish arr’d in p.m.

((Following text not dated:))

First week of month loud explosions at night. Black out every night until further notice. Hawkers limited 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. because won't dim lights. Siren erected at electricity substation opposite us. Makes us nervous. Paper says siren now only for big raids and night raids. Too much dislocation. 

Overcast, warm.

Hosp. roof.

Air-raid 1PM – 3PM

Blasting still going on.

Col. arrived, left 2pm.

On 2ble [double?] rations for 10 days.

Worked in morning; there was an inspection about 2, so stayed at hospital for a while.

German lesson in afternoon, only Mr George Cautherley and me.

Saw Joan Wilkinson and offered to teach her shorthand, she wants to learn, having started lessons with Martha Lewis (age 14).

Some school children arrested for being on road ((presumably beyond gates)).

Rumours re parcels from Kowloon Godowns on Monday, but Stericker (John) says no news.

Card from auntie at Gillingham saying 'As soon as I know you are on your way, I will attend to larder - chips and cheese, but taboo rice.'

Eric MacNider lectured.