Everything tagged: Aberdeen

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Pages tagged: Aberdeen

29 Marker Stone [????- ]

Submitted by tngan on Sat, 08/22/2009 - 23:20

Hi there,

I went along the Lady Clementi's Ride earlier today and spotted this stone at a 4-way junction on the eastern side of the Aberdeen Reservoir.  The stone had been lying on it's sides and part of it is burried.  The number 29 was engraved topside, as well as one one of the sides.

Even with proper tools working on this one to confirm the engraving is going to be tricky as it is lying on a slope.  One goof and it will slide or roll down.


Best Regards,


WWII bunkers in the Aberdeen Reservoir Area [????- ]

Submitted by tngan on Mon, 08/17/2009 - 14:26

Hi there,

This one is well hidden.  You have to past the very last bunker by the left, then look for it towards the hill side.  It is just abo8ut 20 feets away from the fence.  It's location is about on the opposite side of the bunker facing Aberdeen Reservoir Road.  I suspect these two are linked up back to back, but there is no way to confirm it without breaking into one of them.

Best Regards,