Everything tagged: Superintendent of Victoria Gaol

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Pages tagged: Superintendent of Victoria Gaol

Shek WONG [c.1861-1887]

Submitted by eurasian_david on Sun, 06/11/2023 - 07:06

A 26 year old prisoner in the Hong Kong Victoria Gaol since 13th October 1886 sentenced to 6 months' hard labour but died when still in prison from dysentry. An inquest was held into the circumstances of his death and future recommendations to the care of prisoners were made. 


Malcolm Struan TONNOCHY [1841-1882]

Submitted by David on Wed, 05/08/2013 - 11:30

I'm looking for photos of Malcolm Struan Tonnochy, to be used in the Central Police Station project. If you know of any, please could you let me know in the comments below?