Everything tagged: government incinerator

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Pages tagged: government incinerator

Mui Wo Waste Incinerator (2nd generation) [1987-????]

Submitted by David on Thu, 02/09/2017 - 16:33

This is the larger incinerator that replaced the first generation incinerator that was further inland. Henri McKerr-Kastan helped locate that one, so I asked if he knew where this one was.

He replied:

I think it was along Mui Wo Ferry Pier Road near the sewage works. There was also a slaughterhouse there.

Then promptly sent a map with the exact location:

Municipal Wastes Incinerators in Hong Kong

Submitted by Klaus on Fri, 01/13/2017 - 18:53


Municipal wastes were dumped in specially designed areas (tips) over decades. Due to high prices and low availability of land the Government of Hong Kong decided by the end of the 1950’s to investigate the building of municipal waste incinerators. At that time it became evident that the further lifetime of the main tip at Gin Drinkers Bay was limited.