Reginald Gwynne WARD [1905-1957]
DoB from John Black's list, which gives Ward's occupation in 1941 as "Customs Officers" (sic.), which I think means he worked for the Chinese Maritime Customs.
DoB from John Black's list, which gives Ward's occupation in 1941 as "Customs Officers" (sic.), which I think means he worked for the Chinese Maritime Customs.
In 1941 he was the Commissioner of Chinese Maritime Customs.
DoB from John Black's list, which gives Mr Knox's occupation in 1941 as "watchman".
Eric MacNider wrote that Mr Knox had been with the China Maritime Customs. There is a 'T. Knox / 诺士' in the CMC staff lists. It says he joined in Oct 1908 as "Watcher", and left in July 1934 from Shanghai. At that time his position was "Tidesurveyor, B (on sick leave)", and it notes he was invalided out of the organisation.
F W Wright was interned at Stanley, but escaped and went on to join the BAAG in China.