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Pages tagged: metal

Hong Kong Works of the China Mining and Metal Company Ltd. [c.1920-1928]

Submitted by Klaus on Fri, 07/12/2024 - 22:17

The Hong Kong Works of the China Mining and Metal Company Ltd.  The company produced non-ferrous metals from 1919/20 onwards.  After 1924, the company came into trouble (reason unknown to me) and was finally dissolved in 1928.

For details see China Mining and Metal Company Ltd., Hong Kong 

The buildings (or part of them) were used after 1928 by other companies , they seem to be still there in 1952.

China Mining and Metal Company Ltd., Hong Kong [????-c.1928]

Submitted by Klaus on Thu, 07/11/2024 - 17:44

The company was active in Hong Kong after the First World War. On the website Historical Photos of China (University of Bristol) the George Trobridge Collection can be found. Frederic George Trobridge was a mining engineer and the managing director of the China Mining and Metal Company Ltd., Hong Kong. He arrived in Hong Kong in 1919 and left in 1925.