Hong Kong documentry films

Submitted by IDJ on Tue, 12/06/2011 - 23:02

A new site (2010) lists colonial documentry films with a interesting list for Hong Kong. Unfortunately only a few of the more recent ones appear to be watchable on-line at the moment.



That's a good resource to know about, thank you.

The Hong Kong page IDJ links to above has 134 films in total. Of them, three can be viewed online:

  • 1940. Men of Africa. As the title suggests, most of the film is about East Africa, with only a couple of seconds footage of Hong Kong at the beginning.
  • 1941. Alert in the East. A survey of the strategic situation of the British Empire in the Far East in the face of "an outside" threat (obviously Japan). [This would not play for me]
  • 1958. Achievement in Hong Kong. How the HK Govt. has set about the gigantic problem of housing Hong ko ng's swelling population.

The FAQ page says the project is now finished, so I don't expect they'll see any more films that to be viewed online.

Regards, David