Old Hong Kong: Three and a half exhibitions

Submitted by David on

Here are a few exhibitions on around Hong Kong you might like to visit. All are open to the public, with free admission:

Til 1st Oct, The 23rd Annual Mapping of Asia Exhibition

This is held at the Wattis Fine Art Gallery on Hollywood Road. I haven't been along yet, but will make the effort to visit before it finishes. Unfortunately I doubt I'll be able to afford anything (the exhibits are for sale), but they're lovely to look at! Details on the Wattis website.

Til 4th Oct, The Road to 1911: A Visual History

This is the 'half', as very few of the photos are of Hong Kong. Worth a look if you're visiting the Early Hong Kong Travel exhibition (see below), as it is in the same building. Details on HKU website.

Til 21st Nov, Dockyards of Hong Kong – Pictorial Exhibition

Another one I haven't seen yet. It's in the lobby of the Hong Kong Museum of History, and their website shows there are some interesting photos. Details on HK MoH website.

Til 27th Nov, Early Hong Kong Travel (1880-1939)

It's at the Hong Kong University's museum on Bonham Road. I went along this morning and enjoyed seeing all the photos / labels / letterheads / etc from Hong Kong's old hotels. Details on HKU website.

Regards, David