Tai Pak floating restaurant at Castle Peak [????-????]

Submitted by David on
Current condition
Demolished / No longer exists

I've made a rough guess at where it was (that area used to be sea before reclamation). Corrections welcome.

Photos that show this Place



Thanks for putting together this collection of photos. I'm still in shock this Tai Pak wasn't in Aberdeen, but when I went back and looked at Aberdeen Tai Pak photos and postcards, I noticed that the English letters were prominent on the top of the building, whereas in these photos, it's the Chinese that's prominent. I wonder if that meant it had more of a local clientele?

I haven't been there for a while but my guess is that it's probably simply due to the fact that the Chinese took over control of Hong Kong from Great Britain.

For some interesting info on the Castle Peak version:


The comments mention the Aberdeen restaurant underwent at least two complete renovations and the Castle Peak version was simply one of the old carcasses that had outlived its Aberdeen life but still had enough usefulness left to be sent over to Castle Peak. So it's quite possible that one of these snaps contains the very first original Tai Pak in its second lease of life.


Hi Phil, some interesting comments there. I took a look at the photos we have of the Aberdeen Tai Pak, and the boat at Aberdeen in 1954:

certainly looks like this one at Castle Peak in the 60s:

Regards, David