Current condition
Demolished / No longer exists
Date completed
(Day & Month are approximate.)
Date closed / demolished
(Day & Month are approximate.)
Later place(s) at this location
I asked Barbara Anslow if she
I asked Barbara Anslow if she knew the building's name, as she lived here in 1940/1. She replied:
Thanks for Barbara's help,
Regards, David
This building still existed
This building still existed till 1971, here is a photo taken by an American in Jun 1971, showing the building was there but some parts of the building had been demolished.
This building is now where Cosmo Hotel stands, and it was the headquarter of Xinhua News Agency Hong Kong Branch from 1978 to 2004 when it moved to 381 Queen's Road East. It is claimed that the headquarter was converted from a nearly completed hotel with a quotation from Chinese Wikipedia given.
If the rebuilt building would have been a hotel, it might have a name of "亞洲飯店" in Chinese, as there's an article suggested Teresa Teng met Communist Chinese officials there.
This building might be demolished some time between 1971 and 1978, I guess it was most probably demolished in 1975.
Thanks for the extra
Thanks for the extra information. I'll set the the demolition date to 1975, as you suggest.
Regards, David
Demolition date
Henry Ching writes:
It's possible to make different Places for the individual sections, but for now I'll refer to the whole building. So the demolition date shown above will be the date the last section of it was demolished.
Regards, David
re: demolition date
judging by this photo, dated 1976, the section now occupied by Xinhua New Agency was the last to be demolished
Demolition date
Thanks 80skid, I've updated the demolition date. I guess it will end up being even later, as the Xinhua building wasn't completed until 1989, see:
Regards, David
The monument/obelsik near the tram station at the junction
Anyone have any idea what was written on the monument/obelsik located at the blend. I used to pass by that place everyday when I was a young kid. I understand quite a few similar monuments had been relocated to the HK cemetery. Knowledge of the inscription may help me identify the particular one I used to walk by everyday.
FYI in the early sixties the empty land shown on the 1940 photo was turned into a car lot selling Opel, a petrol station and further down a garage that fix Vauxhall taxis.
My elderlies told me during the war, a battery of anti-aircraft guns was once mounted on the roof of the rowhouse. Hence part of the building was strafed and had to be rebuilt. Recent news about an unexploded bomb located near the rowhouse seems to confirm that some air-ground battle once took place in the area.
Re: Monuments on Morrison Hill Road
Hi Peter,
Please see regarding the monuments.
Thank you for the information about the area which I used to pass by almost every day for seven years!
thank you for the valuable information
Much appreciated. No recollection of lane Crawford bakery. Just remember the red cotton bakery on wanchai road. I think they are still around just relocated in the vicinity the last time i visited hk
I wonder if this it? …
I wonder if this it?
If it was near completion when first advertised on 10th March 1902 and still advertised to let on 21st April 1902, safe to say it was completed April 1902
I see the buildings appear…
I see the buildings appear on maps at around that time, so it does look like 1902 is the completion date, thank you!
Memories of the building
Thanks to Tanya for these notes: