Sek Kong Families' Village [????- ]

Submitted by David on
Current condition

Built as married quarters for the British Army. Details from a 1957 article, provided by Bryan Panter:

Comments from reader Richard HK:

I lived at 106 Sek Kong Village from 1986-1993, the first house as you come down the other side from Route Twisk into Sek Kong. These officer's houses (my father was one) were abandoned after we left, and still stand exactly the same as the day we moved out. I visited last month to find the door to my old house open, and ventured inside to find it as it was when we left. Our old bed frames are still there and a packet of my old air rifle pellets still sits on the windowsill!

There are four houses there, all unoccupied, with PLA officers having moved into the swankier houses just down the road across the small bailey bridge.

Photos that show this Place



I live in Lin Fa Tei village, Pat Heung, which is not far from Route Twisk and Sek Kong Families Village. There are a large number of former military quarters lying "idle," empty, in this area which have remained in such condition since 1997 as the OP has described.

Bluntly put, it is ridiculous to have such a quantity of perfectly adequate housing remaining unused in this day and age in Hong Kong. I am well aware of the sensitivity of this subject; we are after all discussing property belonging to the PLA within their garrison location. But I see no reason why views should not be aired.