Salesian House of Studies/Mission House [1930- ]

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In use
Date completed

Salesian Mission House (慈幼會修院) is now known as Salesian House of Studies bearing the same Chinese name. It has been serving as a training school for the clergymen of the Salesian Society of Hong Kong (鮑思高慈幼會) since its establishment in the 1930s. The Mission House, comprised of a Main Building with two extensions built in 1932-1939, is annexed by a Villa built between 1923 and 1927.

The Salesian Society of Hong Kong was founded by St. John Don Bosco and others in 1859. In the 1920s, at the request of the then Vicar Apostolic Mons. Vartorta, P.I.M.E., the Salesians undertook to take charge of the St. Louis Industrial School (聖類斯工藝學校) in Sai Ying Pun. In 1935, they expanded their works in education by founding the Aberdeen Industrial School (香港仔兒 童工藝院).

During the Japanese invasion of Hong Kong in December 1941, Salesian Mission House was used by the British Army as an Army Medical Store. The House resumed its operation in 1946 and is frequently visited by a number of celebrities such as Bishop Lorenzo Bianchi (白英奇主教), Bishop Francis Hsu Chen-ping (徐誠斌主教), and Cardinal Zen, Ze-Kiun Joseph (陳日君樞機).

(from aab)

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Army Medical Store and scene of massacre by Japanese troops during the Second World War. Taken over by the army in October 1941 to provide stores for military hospitals and advance dressing stations during the war. Captured Dec. 19. The building was commanded by Capt. S. Martin Banfill, a Canadian. Second in command was Osler Thomas, mentioned elsewhere on Gwulo for collecting copies of the Hongkong News. ( The building is still there, as part of the Salesian Mission for which it was originally built.

more on the war here:…

war photo here: