Gwulo website upgrade
The Gwulo website is back online again after I've finished upgrading the software that runs it. The next job is to fix the problems that inevitably occur after an upgrade like this.
London talk on 5th April
[Update: we're now fully booked for this talk. Thank you to everyone who has booked, and I look forward to seeing you on the 5th.]
If you attended the Gwulo's farewell talk I gave in Hong Kong last year, and can think of any friends in the UK who might enjoy it, please could you let them know I will give the talk again in London on 5th April? When I last checked there were only 10 seats still available for the 70-seat venue, so I'm hoping we can make it a full house.
Chinese translation of Gwulo's first book
Some exciting news for Gwulo's books: I've signed a contract with a Hong Kong publisher to publish a Chinese-language translation of Volume 1 of Old Hong Kong Photos and The Tales They Tell. That's all I can say at the moment, but I'll share more details when I can.
Missing wartime diaries
The daily Wartime Diaries emails couldn't be sent during the website upgrade. If you'd like to catch up on the missed days, please use the links below:
83 years ago
82 years ago
81 years ago
80 years ago