Old HK photos - new collection

Submitted by Admin on Tue, 06/18/2024 - 14:58

The library of the University of Nice, in France, got in touch to let me know about a collection of old Hong Kong photos they've put online: https://humazur.univ-cotedazur.fr/s/humazur/item?fulltext_search=&prope…

There are several I haven't seen before.

They have hi-res copies available for download, and say we're welcome to post them to Gwulo, as they're interested to see what extra information we can add.

Please can anyone take the lead on uploading the photos? If you do, please could you include a credit in each photo's notes with this format (the url will change with each photo):

Source: The Louis Dumoulin collection held at Fonds ASEMI, Université Côte d'Azur, see http://humazur.univ-cotedazur.fr/s/humazur/ark:/17103/c0x5

And give it the tag: Louis Dumoulin collection