Former Site of Claremont Hotel [1930-????]

Submitted by moddsey on
Current condition
Demolished / No longer exists
Date completed
(Day is approximate.)


Photos that show this Place



I don't see anything much about this on the web, though there were a couple of mentions in newspapers from the 1930s:

  • Xmas Party at Kowloon - Enjoyable event at The Claremont

    "The Misses Ellis, of Claremont Hotel, Austin Road, Kowloon, gave an enjoyable children's Christmas party yesterday afternoon in the Hotel."

    Pg. 1, The Hong Kong Telegraph, 1932-12-24
  • Claremont Hotel Prowler

    "It was stated by Inspector Dorling that the defendant was found on the verandah by a boy and a coolie, who beat him so much before calling the police that he had to be sent to hospital."

    Pg. 8, The China Mail, 1934-07-10
  • Tried to steal jacket from The Claremont

    "Li was arrested when he was seen standing outside a window of the hotel attempting to steal a jacket, belonging to Mr G M Cornfield, which was hanging up inside the room."

    Pg. 7, The Hong Kong Telegraph, 1938-01-21

Was the hotel still in business in 1941? And if so, did it resume business after the war?

   I used to live at Cox's Path through most of the fifties and early sixties and I'm sure the Hotel building/buildings were still there then, but I think they had been turned into private apartments.


Hi Raymond,

The building faced onto Austin Road, and ran along to the junction with Cox's Road. I'm not sure if it also backed on to Tak Shing Street, or whether there was another building between the Hotel and Tak Shing Street.

Regards, David

Hi David,

thanks for your explanation. In that case, it is a different loaction I am referring to. According to your information, the hotel is now replaced by a multi-level residence which has been there for many (over 30?) years. The one I have in mind was at the intersection of Cox Rd and Tak Shing Street.

When I was a preteen, I used to hang out in TST area a lot because my uncle and aunt lived there. I also remember a restaurant by the name Cherikoff, sited on Nathan Road near Hillwood Road, opposite Kowloon Park. It was a very stylish restaurant back then. Any chance I can find a photo of it?


Thanks for your advise. One of the pics I found was taken from Nathan Road and it shows the intersection of Nathan Rd & Austin Rd. Cherikoff was on the right edge of the photo behind the trees. London Theatre was even there during that time.

A very precious photo which brings me back tons of memories.



I used to live at 106-108 Austin Rd (mid 1940s to late 50s) and I am hoping to find any photos of the residence which looks very similar in structure to the Claremont building. Hope someone may be able to find some photos of the building. I looked everywhere online but came up empty. Would be great to share some stories of growing up in this area. Any comments are welcome. Thanks. 


Prior to the move to Austin/Cox's Roads, the Claremont Hotel was located at 11 Nathan Road. A robbery took place at the address. Hong Kong Daily Press 9 February 1927 refers.