The Hongkong and China Gas Company Ltd [1862- ]

Submitted by Joao Botas on

Founded in 1862, The Hong Kong and China Gas Company Limited (Towngas) was Hong Kong's first public utility. On December 3rd 1864, Hong Kong was lit with gas for the first time by about 15 miles of mains and 500 lamps, in Queen’s Road extending up the hill to Upper Albert Road. 

This a John Thomson photo from early 1870s.

detail, by Joao Botas
Date organisation created
(Day & Month are approximate.)


It looks to me that the building on the left is the Hong Kong Club building (1st generation) / Yee Sang Fat Building - IL 16 [1846-1930]. The building on the right is 36 Queen's Road where the Hongkong Dispensary [????-????] was operative later.  The street sign, although not too clear, should read Queen's Road.

Similar view should be this one from 1897:

Queen's Road prepared for illumination., by Klaus