1871 Typhoon

Submitted by Klaus on Thu, 02/08/2024 - 23:38

Lowest barometer reading 29inch = 969 mbar, corresponding to a wind speed of about 170km/h.

Maximum impact at night (from Saturday to Sunday)

Destruction report:

From Pedder's Wharf westward for several hundred yards the Praya is demolished.

[…] Peddar's Wharf is greatly injured, as indeed are all the prominent stone constructions, while the wooden piers, through which the water has free passage, are unhurt except as regards the tearing up of the planking which is easily remedied.

Source: The Hong Kong Daily Press, 1871-09-04, page 2. 

The full text of the Hong Kong Daily Press article can be read here: https://gwulo.com/node/59944

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