Osaka Shosen Kaisha (O.S.K.) [c.1901- ]

Submitted by Klaus on

From the website of Mitsui O.S.K. Lines

The history of Mitsui O.S.K. Lines dates back to 1878, when the iron-hulled steamer “Hideyoshi Maru” began ocean transport of Miike coal (between Kuchinotsu and Shanghai), and to 1884 when 55 small and medium-sized shipowners in Osaka jointly established the Osaka Shosen Kaisha [english name: Osaka Mercantile Steamship Company Ltd.].

The service to Hong Kong started in 1899. Two years later, in 1901, a sub-branch office was opened in Hong Kong directly under the head office, and the following year, in 1902, it was promoted to a branch office with an office in the St. George Building overlooking the port of Hong Kong by the South China Sea. In 1971, "Mitsui O.S.K. Lines (H.K.)" was established after the merger of OSK Line and Mitsui Line .

O.S.K. offered cargo as well as passenger transport. I think they had their passenger terminal at the Osaka Shosen Kaisha (O.S.K.) Wharf / Custodian Wharf / Hongkong Macao Wharf [????-c.1961].

Found this from 1912It is more than two years since the first steamer "Tacoma Maru" sailed from Hongkong on July 3, 1909, making a very profitable initial trip across to collect with C., M. & P. S. R. R. [Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway Company] at Tacoma, which was opened up for freight services on July 1, 1909, and for through passenger service on August 1, 1910.

And this from 1918The Osaka Shosen Kaisha operates a line from Hongkong to Tacoma, via Kobe and Yokohama, and a Kobe-Bombay line.

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