Disinfecting station, Yau Ma Tei [c.1905- ]

Submitted by LizB on
Current condition
Date completed
(Day, Month, & Year are approximate.)

The 1904 Public Works Report states (at p45): "Disinfecting Station, Kowloon. Including Quarters for Inspector.—The contract for this Work was let in October, 1903, but was only commenced in December as the site for reasons previously stated had to be altered. It consists of a disinfecting shed in two compartments each 29’ 6” by 25' 0.”; a two-storey store with concrete floors 49' 6” by 24' 6”; an office 16' 0” by 14' 0”; a store 20’ 0 ' by 14’ 0”; an office for the Medical Officer of Health 34' 0” by 16’ 0" with two rooms under it; Coolie quarters, bathrooms latrines, &c.; Inspectors’ Quarters 4 rooms 16’ 0” by 14’ 0” with coolie quarters, kitchens,'&c.; the whole contained within a boundary Wall with a yard about 95’ 0" by 70’ 0”. The present site entailed a great amount of piling owing to the presence of a lot of silted up stream beds and layers of sand, in some cases 10 or 12 feet deep. The whole of the works were’ finished by the end of the year with the exception of sorne concreting in the yard and the Medical Ofiieer of Health’s office, the latter being an addition to the original contract and estimated at $5,000. The  disinfecting shed with its apparatus was handed over to the sanitary board for use in May and the office and stores with half the yard in November, which allowed them to give up the use of their office at 29 Austin Road."

The 1905 Public Works Report states (at p42): "Disinfecting Station, Kowloon. This work was completed and handed over to the Sanitary Board in April. The buildings occupy a convenient and central site, 19,300 square feet in area, at Yaumati, and are built of red brick, pointed in cement, with mouldings, window sills, arches, &c., finished in cement plaster. A statement of the accommodation afforded appeared in last year's report. The total expenditure on the work was $40,219.13, which includes the cost of a new boiler and vacuum pan, amounting to $3,136.62." The roadworks to enable access to the site are also mentioned at p65 of the same report.

The disinfecting station is marked on the 1910 Kowloon peninsula map (https://www.hkmaps.hk/viewer.html) and the 1920 Kowloon map (on Gwulo). It was located near Kowloon Kwong Wah Hospital.

