Ropeworks, Ma Tau Kok [c.1926-1947]

Submitted by LizB on
Current condition
Demolished / No longer exists
Date completed
(Day, Month, & Year are approximate.)
Date closed / demolished
(Day & Month are approximate.)

Referred to as 'completed' in the 1926 Public Works Report.

Located on a large plot of land, K.I.L. 1094, in Ma Tau Kok (opposite the Ma Tau Kok Cattle Depot).

Later place(s) at this location


Photos that show this Place



The Industrial History of Hong Kong Group refers about the rope works that the factory closed after WW2. It was due to a lack of skilled workers and mainly because no hemp was available (US monopoly) as starting material. In 1947, the empty building was sold to Nan Yang Cotton Mill.

This 1930s photo shows part of the rope factory on the left (labelled B). Looking south from Sung Wong Toi, part of which can be seen at the lower left corner.

Upper chinese label=ma tau kok rd

lower chinese label=mok cheong st


ma_tau_kok_1930s.png, by simtang
