Spring Garden Lane Pier [c.1865-c.1905]

Submitted by Klaus on
Current condition
Demolished / No longer exists
Date completed
(Day, Month, & Year are approximate.)
Date closed / demolished
(Day, Month, & Year are approximate.)

Pier located east of Spring Garden Lane at the praya (today Johnston Road), about where todays Southorn Stadium is located.

A photo from c.1864 shows the T-shaped pier. Two more piers are visible on later photos, they look quite fragile.

Visible on the 1882 map on Gwulo, also on hkmaps.hk, first on the 1885 map, very clear on the 1889 map. On later maps, it looks much shorter compared to the 1880s. It's unclear when it was removed, could have been in the 1910s, possibly earlier. On the 1924 aerial photo, this area has been reclaimed already.

Dates were guessed from 1864 to 1905 (updated, see comment below).


Photos that show this Place

