HongKong Canton & Macao Steamboat Co.was formed in 1865. The company operated ferry services between Hong Kong, Canton (Guangzhou) and Macao.
The first pier (or wharf) was built at the praya that existed after the 1850/60 reclamation (today's DesVoeux Road), east of today's Man Wa Lane (oppositeM.L. 22). It is easily visible on the 1889 map on hkmaps.hk.
It not clear when the pier opened, but surely pretty soon after the foundation of the company. Possibly they started with a small one and built a bigger (longer) one later. The pier on the 1889 map is (estimated) 50 - 70 m long. It was closed as the next step of reclamation started at the end of the 1890s. Possibly a temporary pier was built at the end of Wing Lok Street as this area was not affected by the reclamation work (the 1896 Public Works Report indicates it) so that the steamers could carry on while the old pier was was demolished. This is supported by the Public Works Report for 1900:
The new Canton steamer wharf was completed and opened for use in November, just in time to take the place of the temporary pier at the end of Wing Lok Street which was almost completely destroyed by the typhoon on the 10th November. Hongkong, Canton & Macao Steamboat Co. Wharf (Canton Wharf) (second generation) [1900-c.1958]
"Yesterday afternoon, the…
"Yesterday afternoon, the remains of the rock at the Canton Wharf were blasted under the supervision of Mr. Mudie, of the Dock Company. Three blasts effectively demolished the whole of the stone, the destruction of which has now been completed. The third blast was a very violent one, and shook the houses on the Praya near the spot considerably."
Source: Hong Kong Daily Press, page 2, 12th September 1888
Rock near the Canton Wharf
The newspaper article refers to a rock near Canton Wharf, and not the wharf itself. This can be read in the Hong Kong Daily Press 1888-08-15 where it is referred:
The remaining portion of the rook near the Canton Wharf, part of which was blasted last week, was successfully blown up yesterday afternoon by Mr. Maudie.......