08 Jul 1945, Diary of George Gerrard in Stanley Internment Camp Hong Kong

Submitted by Alison Gerrard on Sun, 11/01/2020 - 12:48

As we have not been allowed newspapers since the end of May, any news trickling into the camp is very scarce and most unreliable but sifting it out and using our grey matter thing must be moving rapidly and our release should not be long delayed.

Conditions in the camp are very poor, the food supply being well just water, rice, water melon and pumpkin all water, but with beans added it is palatable. There is not any body building material except the meat that we are now getting at the weekends. We have had beef for the last 3 weekends, but in very small quantities. I have had to buy in the Black Market what I can as after my illness I was very weak and still suffer from fever and so I've sold things to get the necessary Yen. The water supplies now better being on every day for part of the day. Weather Typhoony.

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