#41 Cumberland Road (Original House) [c.1930-2019]

Submitted by philk on Wed, 06/24/2020 - 12:17
Current condition
Demolished / No longer exists
Date completed
(Day, Month, & Year are approximate.)
Date closed / demolished

First entry on the registry is in the year 1930, so I have set this as a tentative build year.



Lot No: NKIL 740
Lease Term: 75 Years renewable for 24 years commencing 01/07/1898
Share of the lot: 41 Cumberland Road

Owner Date of Instrument Date of Registration Consideration
So Tak Yu - - -
Tung Ki Hing 29/07/1941 01/08/1941 $22,000.00
Wong Yut Sen 03/12/1946 04/12/1946 $35,000.00
Tsie Ling 28/07/1970 25/08/1970 $350,000.00
Lo Yuen Enterprise Ltd 02/08/1972 21/09/1972 $665,000.00
Wimborne Company Ltd 16/09/1974 15/10/1974 $850,000.00

NB: Can't find any mention of the original completion date but the property incumbrances details a mortgage being taken out by Chiu Kit Nam in August 1930 for $18,000.00.

The building itself was named "the Crane's nest". Built in early 1970s, 2 storeys with a garden.
Best known as Bruce Li's last residence, it was turned into a motel after Bruce Li's  occupancy.

The video in the link shows a rare look of Bruce Lee's home back than

Pictures of the interior found online