Oriental Brewery / Hongkong Ice Company, Lai Chi Kok [1908-????]

Submitted by David on
Current condition
Demolished / No longer exists
Date completed
(Day & Month are approximate.)

The Oriental Brewery was built on NKML 3 (see comments below). NKML 3 is outlined on the map above.

The brewery is also shown on Map 1913.1 at http://www.hkmaps.hk/mapviewer.html


  • 1908: The brewery is completed
  • ????: Oriental Brewery starts business.
  • 1912: The brewery was in liquidation in October, and was sold to a syndicate in Manila who owned the San Miguel Brewery. [Source: IHHKG]
  • 1913: About May the brewery's equipment was dismantled and re-erected in Manila. [Source: IHHKG]
  • ????: Oriental Brewery limited its business to manufacturing ice.
  • 1914: Hongkong Ice Company buys the operation from Oriental Brewery and continues running it.
  • ????: Plant closed and site re-developed.

The buy-out in 1914 was reported on page 1 of the China Mail for 1914-06-04. Extract:

The circular which the general managers addressed to shareholders on the 14th April fully explains the object for which this meeting has been called. I may say that since the Oriental Brewery Company ceased to be a brewery and got rid of their brewing machineiy and confined their energies to ice making only your general managers have endeavoured to come to some arrangement with the owners of the property which would eliminate undue competition. I am glad to say that through the good offices of Sir Paul Chater an agreement has been come to with the present owners of the brewery property which we recommend the shareholders in the Hongkong Ice Company now to confirm.

Photos that show this Place



The brewery is not the predecessor of the coal yard at Lai Chi Kok. It was located at NKML 3, that lot was reclaimed 1908 or a bit earlier.

The coal yard was on NKML 8. The Public Works Report for 1926 refers: 

N.K.M.L. 8, Lai Chi Kok (completed),             514,150 sq. ft.

See also this map from 1923:

Lai Chi Kok, by Admin

The Industrial History of Hong Kong Group posted an article in 2021 about the brewery.

It refers that the brewery was in liquidation in October 1912. It was sold to a syndicate in Manila who owned the San Miguel Brewery.  About May 1913, the brewery's equipment was dismantled and re-erected in Manila.