Gwulo's 2016 Top Ten

Submitted by David on

A look at the most popular pages that appeared on Gwulo in 2016.


#10 - A wintertime wander through Shau Kei Wan (8,977 views)

Join Phil and me exploring Shau Kei Wan: A temple, tunnels, British military sites (including one relic over 170 years old), a mysterious pillar and lots of curvy buildings.


Join us on A wintertime wander through Shau Kei Wan


#9 - Eligibility for UK Awards, Decorations and Honours including medals for WW2 Veterans and ARP (9,783 views)

Several contributors discuss the medals awarded to people who served in the armed and other uniformed services in Hong Kong in the Second World War.


Read about Eligibility for UK Awards, Decorations and Honours including medals for WW2 Veterans and ARP



#8 - A wander through Happy Valley's history (10,920 views)

Another outing with Phil, and some more good finds: we admired several of the old residential buildings that can still be found in Happy Valley, explored one of the cemeteries, visited the memorial to the 1918 racecourse fire, and spotted several unuaual pieces of street furniture.


Enjoy A wander through Happy Valley's history


#7 - 1950: Military sites around Hong Kong (11,386 views)

You might be surprised at the extent of the British Military Presence in Hong Kong in 1950. This page lists the various sites mentioned in the official document, "Military Installations Closed Areas". For each site you can see any photos we have that show it, plus a map of its location.

British Army Camp at Sek Kong 1950, by Bill Griffiths


See the Military sites around Hong Kong in 1950


#6 - 1960s Hong Kong (11,545 views)

A summary of the pages we have on Gwulo that show pictures, places and events from the 1960s.

Queuing for water


Visit 1960s Hong Kong


#5 - Chinese photographers in Hong Kong, 1844-1879 (11,682 views)

Author Terry Bennett generously shared this chapter from his book on the history of photography in China. It introduces the early Chinese photographers and studios in Hong Kong, and is richly illustrated with many rare photos from private collections.

Fig. 6.16. Lai Fong (Afong Studio). ‘Japanese Moosmi 1873’. Another print

of this image is also in the collection of the Wilson Centre for Photography

with a printed caption label reading ‘No. 28. A Japanese Lady, wife of one of

fthe principal Merchants in Japan.’ Author’s Collection.


Read about Chinese photographers in Hong Kong, 1844-1879


#4 - Old tenement house remains on Cochrane Street [????- ] (13,813 views)

Investigations into the history of the remains of several 19th-century tenement buildings found on Cochrane Street in Central.

Old house remains on Cochrane Street, by kattylaw


Read about the Old tenement house remains on Cochrane Street [????- ]


#3 - Tong Lau / 唐樓, the Hong Kong shophouse (19,362 views)

Hong Kong's streets used to be lined with shophouses, but few remain today. In this guest post, Dr. Lee Ho Yin and Prof. Lynne DiStefano from Hong Kong University walk us through the history of the Hong Kong shophouse, then show us how to identify the different generations.

Fig. 11a Lui Seng Chun, a 1931 shophouse at No. 119 Lai Chi Kok Road,

designed in a mixed Classical and Art Deco style. (Source: Lee Ho Yin)


Read about the Tong Lau / 唐樓, the Hong Kong shophouse


#2 - Contribute to Gwulo (29,190 views)

If you've benefited from Gwulo and would like to give something back, here are some ideas for how to contribute to Gwulo


#1 - Map of all Places (65,947 views)

I'm pleased to see this at number one, as Gwulo's maps and places are a favourite feature of mine.

I recommend watching this short video first to see how they work, then visit the Map of all Places page to see the maps.


If you'd like to see more of the top pages from 2016, here's the full list.