Kingsclere Hotel, Kowloon [????-????]

Submitted by moddsey on
Current condition
Demolished / No longer exists

May have been named after the mansion off Kennedy Road on Hong Kong Island as noted here

Photos that show this Place



I agree it's very likely that the new building wanted to trade on the well-known name of the old building on Kennedy Road. The old building was demolished in 1924, and the Jurors Lists from around that time show the change in addresses from the old to the new building:

1923 Jurors List:

  • 17 x "Kingsclere"
  • 2 x "Kingsclere Hotel"

1924 Jurors List:

  • 7 x "Kingsclere"
  • 1 x "The Lodge, Kingsclere, HK"
  • 1 x "Kingsclere, Kowloon"
  • 3 x "New Kingsclere, Kowloon"
  • 1 x "New Kingsclere Hotel, Kowloon"