Frank HARRIS [????- ]

Submitted by BM on
Birthplace (country)
United States

Mr Harris was the Managing Director of Rediffusion in Hong Kong. Long-time DJ, Mr Ray Cordeiro (Uncle Ray) mentioned it was this American man who employed him (such as in this article: 

Former Rediffusion broadcaster 李平富 mentioned described Mr Harris in his book, '我的身歷聲' [Chinese; available at public libraries, call number 557.769391 4013]: 

In 1950, when the Observatory hoisted the No. 1 typhoon signal, and replaced it by No. 3 or 7 during the night or in the early hours, many would take shelter at home, finish the precautions and stay inside. And Mr Harris the taipan, who of course lived on the Peak, when told about the strengthening gales, would never stay home and order his subordinates over the telephone to take whatever emergency plans. He would in no time bring along his beloved dog and drive back to the company, to manage everything in his '千里馬' (a type of shoes?) and suit shorts. 


First, he would have to see if the staff on duty could make it back and broadcast programmes as usual. Second, he headed over to every single corner for signs of water leakage and flooding. Since Rediffusion broadcast on wires, a flood would affect its broadcasts, and if so typhoon signals could not be reported in details. 


As Harris inspected, upon the route to the engineering department, he spotted a drain hole blocked by rubbish, with a puddle of an inch of rainwater. Many an executive would consider himself too honourable for the matter, and roar for someone to deal with it. Yet Harris, who immediately jumped into the water and squatted, did not care for anything else, but scooped a handful after a handful of refuse up. Other members of staff dared not neglect it, only to do the same as Harris. They drained the water away within three minutes. 


Frankly, that was rather risky. Any potential pieces of metal and glass in that pile of dump might seriously infect a careless person with tetanus. 


And he dried his hands, and then inspected other places, and went to each studio to see how everyone was doing. Afterwards he flew back onto the car, started the engine and drove away. The staff was relieved as they thought the taipan was gone. 


After around ten minutes, the car was back. Harris' action revolted a few, as they considered he was taking a random inspection, displaying his distrust towards the staff. [...] Why did he return? As it turned out, he could not but ask the doormen to help him carry cartons and boxes of sandwiches, cakes and bread into the concourse, calling everyone to gobble up. His great care to the staff was very touching. 

大約過了十多分鐘,車子又倒回來,這行動使一小撮人,馬上產生了反感,認為夏大班這種行為,顯示了對各職員不信任,來一個「突擊」考驗。[......] 到底他為甚麼去而復返呢?原來他兩手捧不過來,很多紙包紙盒的三文治、蛋糕麵飽,要門公們相幫,拿進大堂,叫大家自己來取食物充飢,對員工關懷備至,深為感動。

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