Current condition
Demolished / No longer exists
Date closed / demolished
(Day, Month, & Year are approximate.)
Maybe it's the recent talk about old inspection covers, but I noticed this old electricity pole (at least I think that's what it was) and cast iron box on the corner of Gascgoigne Road and Chi Wo Street.
At the base of the pole is the lettering:
Bullers Limited London
Code Word Artro
Here's a page about Bullers, which shows they were manufacturers of electrical insulators and other electrical distribution equipment.
I wonder how old these items are?
Old Utility Box
I noticed that too. Looks like we are on the same page!
Old Tramway Electricity Poles
Probably the last remnants of tramway electricity poles in the centre of the road. Scene is Kennedy Town Praya.
Tramway Electricity Pole & Utility Box - Des Voeux Rd C, near Morrison St
Utility Box and Tramway
Except that there were no trams in Kowloon.
Sad to say
that the utility box has been removed, although the pole is still there for the time being.
Thanks Phil. Another one
Thanks Phil. Another one bites the dust!
Code Word "Flint"
About Bullers' Code Word Artro pole, I found 3 poles in Lo Wu area with Code Word Flint.
Recent few months I am searching a telegraph line through the northern border / restriction area that the poles were manufactoried by Siemens. Siemens Co. supports me by providing me information of telegraph and telephone poles produced in early 20th century that those poles found in HK was produced in 1910. I have articles about it. Please feel free to checkout my website.
During the searching, I found 3 poles with Code Word Flint. They were not produced by Siemens but they were included in the Siemens telegraph line. So, it might be replaced in some years. Any idea??
Please see photos here:
I will have more info and video on my website later.
Re: Bullers
The name Bullers also appears on the base of the signal mast at Lyemun Fort as mentioned here