Terraced Building along Nathan Road north of Humphreys Avenue [????-????]

Submitted by moddsey on
Current condition
Demolished / No longer exists

Photos that show this Place



The southern corner of this building was curved, so it stands out from the line of other buildings along Nathan Road at this time. It also had a small tower above that corner of the building.

Looking at the photo of Nathan Road below, the junction at the right foreground is with Mody Road. Further in the distance the next junction is with Carnarvon Road, beyond the gas lamp in the centre of the road. Then further away again the curved corner of this building is seen at the junction with Humphreys Ave.

Nathan Road, by annelisec

Caption of https://gwulo.com/atom/34180:

Dairy Farm Ice & Cold Storage Kowloon

尖沙咀彌敦道74-78 號 74-78 Nathan Road

The first branch of Dairy Farm

1918年 九龍牛奶公司店舖啟用。

1941年 12月,日佔香港,店舖被日軍掠奪一空,業務停頓。

1945年 8月,香港重光,店舖業務逐漸恢復。

1958年 重建為文遜大廈(Manson House)。

1918 Dairy Farm Ice & Cold Storage Kowloon was opened.

1941-1945 Closed in Japanese Occupation

1958 rebuilt into Manson House, the name of founder of Dairy Farm Sir Patrick Manson (文遜醫生) and the name of the son of the new owner Henry Fok (霍英東), Manson Fok (霍文遜醫生)

Source:《圖說香港歷史建築1897-1919》(Pictured Hong Kong historic building 1897-1919)