Jimmy's Kitchen Wyndham Street [1975-2020]

Submitted by Klaus on
Current condition
Demolished / No longer exists
Date completed
(Day & Month are approximate.)
Date closed / demolished

Jimmy's Kitchen opened in 1975 at the South China Building on Wyndham Street. It moved here from the China Building at Theatre Lane/Queen's Road Central (See Jimmy's Kitchen QRC [1934-1975]). 

More information on their website.(not working any more)

South China Morning Post from 17 May 2020 refers:

Goodbye, Jimmy’s Kitchen – after 92 years, ‘Hong Kong’s best-loved kitchen’ closes its doors

When Jimmy’s Kitchen closes its doors at the end of this month many will mourn the loss of one of Hong Kong’s oldest and most storied restaurants. Indeed, the 92-year-old Central eatery was set to close in April but was given a month’s reprieve following a surge of interest from patrons who wanted to dine at Jimmy’s one last time.

In March 2024, Jimmy's Kitchen opened again inside the Pedder Building.


Photos that show this Place



Thank you Annelise for posting the reopening of Jimmy's. The space could be the same as the old China Tea Club because the latter closed recently.

I will create a new place, it will their fourth (or possibly fifth) location.