Horse Riding School near Shouson Hill & PG Farm [????-????]

Submitted by David on Sun, 08/26/2018 - 20:50
Current condition
Demolished / No longer exists

The position of the marker is a guess, based on the comments below. If you can tell us its location or add any more information, please leave a comment below.

Photos that show this Place




I'm wondering if anyone knows what happened to the the Horse Riding School that - I think - was up the Peak in the 1950s. As children, my two brothers and I, used to go there for horse riding lessons. There were seven little ponies named after the Seven Dwarfs. While we were learning to ride, our father would take a horse and go riding up into the hills. I think it was not far from PG Farm, because we often went there after going to the Riding School. Maybe at Pokfulam?  The school was run by Tito Xavier and his wife Mae. I believe they immigrated with their twin daughters to Australia in the 1950s or 60s - does anyone know?


Thank you Embotelho

That is great to know.  My father did keep in touch with Tito and Mae but after my father died we lost contact.  And now I know why it was so quick to get to PG farm - I didn't realise it was that close!

My family spent a lot of time with the Xaviers, my father counted Tito as one of his closest friends. The twins were younger than us, I remember when they were babies. I will to upload a couple of photos (if I remember how!?)
