Quarry Bay Gas Holder [c.1969-1986]

Submitted by Klaus on
Current condition
Demolished / No longer exists
Date completed
(Day, Month, & Year are approximate.)
Date closed / demolished
(Day & Month are approximate.)

Probably built after closure of Taikoo Sugar Refinery. The gas holder is visible on an aerial photo from 1972 (found at the website of Hong Kong Map Service - free of charge only with limited resolution). On the image from 1963 (nearest older date) it's not there. Demolished, eaxact year of demolition unknown.

Update 2018-01-11:On HK Map Viewer , the gas holder is marked on the 1985 map, but not on the 1987 one. On this site, Westlands Centre was completed in 1988 (Source here). So the demolition date is set to January 1986.

Update 2018-09-06: Dates set to 1969-01-01 for completion, and 1986-06-01 for demolition (see comment below).

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Photos that show this Place



The new aerial photo website (HKMS2.0) helped to narrow the time span when the gas holder existed.

It is not there in 1967, but visible in 1969.

It existed for a quite long period, even after the closure of the dock. It is visible right in between the houses that were built around him. In March 1986 it's there, but in September 1986, it's gone.