Current condition
Demolished / No longer exists
Date closed / demolished
(Day is approximate.)
The 1911 map shows "Wang Hing" on this building. (Plate 3-4, Mapping Hong Kong).
The building was three storeys high, and was demolished in April 1936. (From article about the next building on this site, page 7, Hong Kong Daily Press, 1936-12-31)
Two photos of this building
Two photos of this building appear on page 231 of the 1908 publication, 20th Century Impressions of ...
One shows the exterior:
Above the ground floor is the sign for Wang Hing, and their name is also written on the pillars, introducing them as jewellers, gold smith, and silver smith.
Above the first floor is the sign for "Zetland House". Several Carl Smith Cards refer to Zetland House as a hotel (…) so I think the ground floor was the Wang Hing shop, and the upper floors were the hotel.
Here's the other photo, showing the interior of the shop:
has REMOVED to No. 10 QUEEN'S ROAD CENTRAL (opposite Messrs. KELLY AND WALSH) and has also kept his old Shop as a Branch Establishment, named WANG HING & CO.
Hongkong, 23rd March, 1903."
Source: Hong Kong Daily Press, page 7, 21st May 1903