Kernel Seed Company [????- ]

Submitted by Admin on

Roy Delbyck writes:

Attaching images of a 1939 catalog of vegetable and flower seeds on offer from a HK company, Kernel Seed Co.  Who would have known?  They had an experimental farm in Fanling where I assume a lot of the seeds were grown. I suspect that they may have grow some of the seeds in Indonesia.

Has anyone come across this company?

Kernel Seed Co., by Admin


Kernel Seed Co., by Admin


Kernel Seed Co., by Admin


Kernel Seed Co., by Admin


Kernel Seed Co., by Admin
Photos of this organisation:
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Photos of this organisation:



The Kernel Seed Co gets a mention on pages 18 and 19 of the 1938 Annual Report, under the "Natural Resources section:

In contrast to the village farmers are the various forms which modern agricultural enterprise is taking in the New Territories. There are several well-equipped poultry farms, fruit orchards and market gardens with sufficient backing of capital to put into practice the theories of tillage, fertilization and improvement of stock and seeds which have been evolved in various agricultural countries. Although many of these farms are now well past the experimental stage they are to a great extent isolated enterprises lacking the effective cooperation necessary for the improvement of agriculture generally. Attempts are, however, being made, notably by the New Territories Agricultural Association and by the Kernel Seed Company of America not only to provide a basis for that cooperation between the few modern farms but to instill into the minds of the village agriculturalists themselves the advantages to be gained from modern methods.

The New Territories Agricultural Association was founded in 1927 and has held an agricultural show each year including the year under review. At these shows such of the village farmers as have cared to avail themselves of the privilege have been able to see a demonstration of the possibilities latent in the soil they till. The Association now has permanent accommodation in the New Territories and has opened an Institute for the training of Chinese youths. Land leased from the Government is being worked on behalf of the Association by the Kernel Seed Co. of America. This company has carried out exhaustive experiments with different kinds of seed in order to find brands most suited to the soil and climate. These experiments have been eminently successful with rice-seed, and a demand is growing among the farmers for a new seed, called No. 716, which was evolved by this Company.