No. 2 Police Station / Salvation Army Building, Johnston Rd, Wanchai [1868-c.1962]

Submitted by David on
Current condition
Demolished / No longer exists
Date completed
Date closed / demolished
(Day, Month, & Year are approximate.)

Today the 'Chung Wui Mansion' stands on the corner of Johnston and Wanchai Roads, but this used to be the site of the No. 2 Police Station. When it was built, it stood on the seafront. It seemed that was the preference, as when the new police station on Gloucester Road was built, it was on the seafront again.

Notes from Moddsey:

The current Wanchai Police Station (aka No. 2 Police Station) on Gloucester Road was occupied in 1932 after the completion of the Praya East Reclamation in 1929.

More information on the old numbering system of police stations on Hong Kong Island can be viewd on these links:

Photos from the 1950s show that after the police moved to the new Gloucester Road station, the old building here was used by the Salvation Army.

Later place(s) at this location

Photos that show this Place



As mentioned above, the building was used by the Salvation Army. On their website is said: "In 1947, the old Wanchai Police Station was used as The Salvation Army school, handicraft centre and church meeting place."

Its unknown how long this building was used, possibly until the early 1960's. On 1964-01-01 Chung Wui Mansion [1964- ] opened at this place. Suggest to set demolition date to approx. 1962.

This work consisted of the demolition to a large extent of the old building. which was two stories in height, and the reconstruction and rearrangement of it as a three-storied building throughout, a fourth storey being added over a portion of it. Considerable difiiculty‘ was experienced in connection with the foundations of the east wall which abutted against the gable wall of the adjoining house. The latter wall, including its foundations, was discovered to be of inferior construction, but its condition was not such as to justify the service of a notice for its demolition and the owners declined to undertake its reconstruction. By modifying the design to some extent and exercising special precautions, the difficulties were overcome and the foundations and wall of the new building were successfully constructed without injury to the adjoining house. The work was nearly completed by the close of the year, only some of the finishings, colour washing and painting remaining to be done.


The building contains at charge room and 3 cells, quarters for an Inspector, comprising 3 rooms, a kitchen and bath and store rooms, quarters for 3 European Sergeants and 4 European Constables, (3 rooms, kitchen and bathroom), 15 Indian Constables (2 rooms, kitchen and bathroom), 1 Chinese Sergeants  rooms) and 15 Chinese Constables (1 room, kitchen and bathroom), besides the necessary latrine accommodation and a room for coolies. Verandahs are provided on all floors on the North front and balconies on the South and West fronts.


Accommodation is provided for 37 extra men over the number who could be housed in the old building.


The walls are built of Canton red bricks, generally in lime mortar, rough-cast externally and plastered internally. The floors of the rooms are of 1&1/4” hardwood on hardwood joists, which are generally exposed, ceilings being only provided in the case of the Inspector's Quarters,  which are situated on the top floor, and of the Charge Room and European Constables‘ room. The floors of the verandahs, balconies, kitchens and bathrooms are of reinforced cement concrete covered with cement or salt-glazed tiles. The floor of the partial fourth storey is of reinforced cement concrete, covered with asphalt and salt-glazed tiles.


The roof is partly of double pan and roll tiling on hardwood rafters and partly of reinforced cement concrete. The steps of staircase are of granite, the landings of reinforced cement concrete and the handrail and balusters of wrought iron.


The building is lighted throughout with electric light.


1910 Estimates,  $12,000.00          Total Estimates  $18,000.00

1010 Expenditure, $11,424,66      Expenditure to 31/12/10,  $11,424.66

Source: PWD Report 1910 (No 75)

Wanchai Police Station buildings are now completed and the police headquarters of that district have been removed there. China Mail 1 March 1911 refers.