Union Theatre / 聯華戲院 [1983-1995]

Submitted by OldTimer on
Current condition
Demolished / No longer exists
Date completed
Date closed / demolished

(Edit: May 10, 2017 Please note the term demolished refers to the date on which theatre operation ended.  Please also note comments below regarding its successor theatre at the same site.)

Seating capacity: 784

Address: 11-15 Fung Kwan Street, Yuen Long, Hong Kong.  Man Fung Building is the current occupant at the site.  Merryland Theatre [1984-2002], another retired theatre, was located across the lane from Union Theatre, at this site


Union Theatre began operating on September 29, 1983 and was closed some time in mid-1990s.  For the purpose of this page, the closing date is estimated to be 1995.

As a point of interest, Union Theatre was located in the south-eastern part of Yuen Long called 雞地, translation - chicken ground.  Wikipedia has a short page discussion of the area.  The name's geneis may have been evolved from word-of-mouth or some influential pioneer, almost certainly not a government invention.  During the period 1960-1980, area farmers  brought here their chickens and ducks to sell.  After 1980, housing development picked up speed and gradually reduced the market area to what basically remains today the YOHO Midtown.  Chicken Yard, it sounds funny when pronounced in Cantonese.  The ducks got no recognition this time. 



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