Norwegian War Time Committee [c.1941-c.1945]

Submitted by auurauur on

The Norwegian War Time Committee

The Norwegian War Time Committee was set up shortly after the surrender and during the early Japanese occupation of Hong Kong. Their mission was to provide help and assitance to the Norwegian community in Hong Kong as Norwegians were given status as third nationals and semi-enemies and not permitted to leave the territory by the Japanese.


In his statement given in Kweiling in April 1943 after his escape from Hong Kong, Ragnar Brodersen listed these member as of February 1943:

Family name Given name Committee role Profession
 Larssen  Karsten  Chairman

 Ships agent and acting Norwegian Consol, resident

 Andresen  Birger Owrum  Financial Secretary

 Company manager at Thoresen & Co, resident

 Krogh-Moe   Joseph  

 Manager at ships agent Brussgaard Kiosterud & Co

 Heiberg  Sigurd K    Civil engineer (ships architect), resident
 Nielsen  Johan    Pastor, Norwegian Sailor's Mission, resident
 Kvamsø  Halfdan    Ships captain
 Urke  Paul Normann    Ships officer
 Brodersen  Ragnar  Secretary  Thoresen & Co, resident

Uncertain: Reidar Johannessen

Relief activities

The relief activities in the period before the majority of the Norwegian Community was sent to Stanley Civilian Internment Camp consisted in prviding parcels to the Norwegian POWs at Sham Shui Po Camp, and assisting the semi-free Norwegians in getting housing, financial funds and other vital help.

After 23 February 1943 several committe members had to abort or reduce their relief efforts being themselves internees at Stanley. From outside the Camps Larssen and Nielsen continued their work, assisted by others like Ruth Yvonne Gundersen.

Financial aid

The members of the Committe could draw on assistance from several other Norwegians in Hong Kong in getting funds into the territory. The most central among these were Reidar Johannessen and Haakon Sareussen. The Norwegians were initially allowed to withdraw their savings in Hong Kong banks, and also to receive transactions from Norwegian authorities and ships agents through the Red Cross and the Swedish delegation in Tokyo. Illegal funds were sent through Macau, organized by Reidar Johannessen with the assistance frmo the British Consul John Reeves. Reidar Johannessen also donated substansial sums of money to the Norwegian Comminute.

Date organisation created
(Day, Month, & Year are approximate.)
Date organisation closed
(Day, Month, & Year are approximate.)