Lane Crawford Bakery [????-????]

Submitted by brian edgar on
Current condition
Demolished / No longer exists

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During the financial year 1922-1923 Lane Crawford sold their premises at 147 Praya East and transferred the manufacture of furniture to a newly acquired property at 17, Burrows Street, Wanchai. From 1932 the address is given as 15 Burrows Street so presumably there was a re-numbering. In a 1937 court case the bakery is described as being in Wood Road. 

In 1924 the Company announced plans to turn the furniture factory into  a modern bakery, and this was opened in 1925. Unnamed 'Russian bakers' were employed at the time - these might have been members of the Piankoff family, who were associated with the bakery until the war (under the names Piankoff, Pincott and Peacock).

 In August 1938 the new bakery in Stubbs Road began to operate, and the old premises were eventually sold at a profit of $HK1,694.77, which the directors considered satisfactory as the building was in need of extensive repair.

Sources: Company reports and articles in the SCMP.

Carl Smith's "Wanchai in search of an identity" has a paragraph on this subject in the section titled 'Under Morrison and Hospital Hills':

One of the earliest industrial enterprises in Hong Kong was the Wanchai Steam Bakery near the present junction of Wanchai Road and Wood Street. Opened in 1868, the business was incorporated as a public company when its proprietor, Lawrence Pierson Ward, died in 1871. The following year its name was changed to the Hong Kong and China Bakery Company, eventually coming under the control of Lane, Crawford & Co. In 1905 the Robinson Piano Co. had its factory on the site.