01 Sep 1945, R. E. Jones Wartime diary

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Fine, hot.

Jap. food supply ended, thank heaven for that. Capt. Bailey, Liaison Officer made other arrangements yesterday. All is going well.

The loafing women here will soon have to do a job of work as most of the men, fit men, have Dept. jobs to do.  

Oatmeal, milk, sugar, toast, marmalade, butter & coffee for breakfast.

More odds & ends of stores arrived & it seems to have the B.C.C. beat as to its distribution.

T.B. cases etc went aboard the “Oxfordshire” today.

Majority of police back to town.  

HK officially taken over this afternoon.

Comdr. W. Griffiths took over Camp Com.

Next of kin handed in. 

Duty 12-3pm. Cleaned up a couple of rooms ex Formosan for Willcocks.

Little walk. 8.45-9.0pm ∴ Open air supper till 10.30pm.

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